Leading successful remote/hybrid teams require more than just video conferencing tools and cloud storage.

Use this self-assessment to help you pinpoint strengths, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately, bring you closer to achieving the ideal remote model for your team.


Boost Productivity & Engagement:

  • A well-oiled remote machine means happier, more productive employees.

Gain Competitive Advantage:

  • By addressing potential roadblocks, you can retain & attract top talent; and build a stable remote workforce.

Find the right balance between trust and oversight.

  • Set clear metrics & address discrepancies fairly, without micromanaging.

Combat Employee Isolation and Burnout:

  • Reduce PTO and leave usage by supporting employee wellbeing.

Ensure Compliance:

  • Avoid legal pitfalls and ensure data security for a worry-free remote operation.

Enhance Communication & Collaboration:

  • Discover the best strategies to foster connection and teamwork across distances.

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